Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Are there really red panda bears?

Yes but they do not look like your average panda bear. They more resemble a raccoon.

The Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens Latin: ''fire-colored cat'') also known as the Lesser Panda, Wah,Cat Bear, or Firefox, is a mostly herbivorous mammal, slightly larger than a domestic cat (60 cm long). The Red Panda has semi-retractile claws and, like the Giant panda, has a ''false thumb'' which is really an extension of the wrist bone. Thick fur on the soles of the feet offers protection from cold and hides scent glands. For many decades the taxonomic classification of the panda was under debate as both the red panda and the distantly related giant panda share characteristics of both bears and raccoons At first glance it may have a raccoon-like appearance.

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yes but they look more like red racoons, not anything like their bearish cousins
There is an animal called a red panda. The wife of a good friend of mine is Chinese, and she claims they resemble our racoons.
a red colored large black and white but the red panada is actually an animal that looks like a raccoon, but has redish brown fur with a panada face.
Yes, though they do not resemble the typical idea which we have for the looks of a panda ... ex. Giant Panda
Red pandas used to be considered part of the raccoon family, but actually now are considered part of the bear family. The have long red and white ringed tails like raccoons, but a ''thumb'' (which is part of their wrist bone) like pandas! :)
yes but they look like a cross between a raccoon and a can usually find a red panda at your local zoo.
yes their are
Yes, and they are so cute. I seen a couple at the toronto zoo last year. They are more like raccoons then pandas.
Yes there are. The don't really look like pandas though. They resemble more of a fox looking animal that climbs trees. I have a sight that lists information and a picture so then you'll know what I'm talking about.
There's something called a red panda, but it's not like a giant panda bear. There are pictures on the website below. They look a lot like red raccoons. I'm not positive, but I think we call them pandas because they live in the same general area as Giant Pandas and they also eat bamboo. Hope this helped!
yes but they dont look like panda bears. here check it out......

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