Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Novelty gift for hard-to-please family member: rare turtle egg or panda cub?

For a ''real'' hard to please, buy them a years' sponsorship (or part thereof!) of an animal in a zoo ! ! !

Novelty gift for hard-to-please family member: rare turtle egg or panda cub?avast

the turtle egg, with any luck it wont hatch and they wont be asking you to baby sit when they go on holiday. and do you know how hard it is to find bamboo these days.

Novelty gift for hard-to-please family member: rare turtle egg or panda cub?ducati
How about buying them a Star or a piece of land on the moon.
buy a small muslim child for them.. you could teach them to dance and do small chores around the house.
How about a can of ''Fish assholes''. they used to sell in Tumbling Shoals Arkansas. maybe on internet or ebay
There are plenty of meteorites for sale on Ebay. Each one is unique. I have some very rare Libyan desert glass which was formed when a meteor exploded over the desert 28 million years ago. There is a piece of it in Tutankhamoun's regalia.

Or there is a charity called World Vision that will send a card to him thanking him for his donation of whatever you wish to give. There are goats you can buy for families in Africa, money towards medical care etc. Each card acknowledges each individual gift.

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