Friday, August 20, 2010

If Giant pandas are such an icon in china, why are the chinese getting rid of their habitat?

it makes sense, everybody in china loves the banda, yet, they are destroying its natural habitat

If Giant pandas are such an icon in china, why are the chinese getting rid of their habitat?security

If the rain forests produce most of the earth's oxygen, why are we destroying them at alarming rates?

People are greedy. That's why.



If Giant pandas are such an icon in china, why are the chinese getting rid of their habitat?trojan

I agree with you,( what a bunch of muppets they are.)....Its not just the chinease either, us humans are destroying everything we are our own worse enemy.
sad isn't it? the panda is china's own animal icon or symbol to the rest of the world, in the same way the eagle is to america and the lion to the english/british. and its not as if they have harmed or killed anyone, is it?
Well there are some chinese who don't care for the pandas even though pandas are their icons(mine as well) all they care are money money and more money, because we chinese care only for business but some tend to take advantage Mother Nature.

And oh yeah thank you for being worried about animals it's nice to know that some still cares about animals....
You mean, just like we love the bald eagle so much that it's endangered?
Have you been to China recently? Or any small Asian country? People are literally living on top of each other. I have been working and living in Asia for years now, and trust me. They need more room. I do believe that more conservation efforts need to be happening, but what are they going to do? In these countries, they have no land, no natural resources. Recycling and conservation has been THE LAW here for quite awhile. In America, we just have the option. They are trying to make their situation work, and sometimes people must come first.
just about every nation is destroying natural habitat for their indigenous species. we don't practice what we preach and put ourselves before animals
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