Monday, August 16, 2010

Best cage for panda hamster??

i have a panda bear hammy and she is cute we just got her this cag because we got her today and i is to small so we r takin it mom was thinkin about useing our oold 10 gallon fish tank and get a screen top to put over it but do u think she would be comfortable??cause she loves attetion and being held!!=)

here's she is incase u need to no how big she is to say but she will get bought 6-8 inches so ya lol

Best cage for panda hamster??computer

What a little cutie!! And just so you know, while pet stores and hobbyists will call that colourage a ''panda'', the proper name for the species is Syrian Hamster. My male hamster, Striper, has the colouration of a panda.

I would recommend against an aquarium tank. Why? Not only because they don't have a lot of room, but the ventelation is liminted. My little guy is in an aquarium, and I'm not liking it. Because this little escape artist uses his toys to climb up on and escape, we have to have a lid on top. During the day, I take all his toys and stuff out (except the water bottle, but its round, so he can't possibly climb on it) and leave the lid off. That way the aquarium is aired out.

Get a wire cage of some sort. I like the habitrail cages - you don't need all the tubes, but our female hamster loves the tubes and stuff (we tried Striper in the tubes, but he just peed in them).

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