Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Why do you think panda bears have black around the eyes?

Because they keep picking fights with the Hell's Angles in bars. You never want to be near a Panda after they have had five or six of shots of Jack, they are mean drunks and say, what you lookin at, I ain't at the zoo now, a_ _h_le. Then they sucker punch you in the kidneys, with the ususal unfortunate result.

Why do you think panda bears have black around the eyes?virus scanner

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Why do you think panda bears have black around the eyes?anti virus software

Because they forgot to take their mascara off.
It's God's way of making sure that they do not have a glare in their eye's.
They are actually not bears. They are large relatives of racoons!
Many animals have black around the eyes. It makes them look bigger, and somewhat obscures the actual boundaries of the eye, in case an enemy should try to injure it.
That's how their fur grows?

Why is some of my hair lighter than the other??
No idea why they have black around the eyes. Maybe they where in a boxing match lol ''black eyes''
to absorb the sunlight so they can see better
it might be because every panda has a different fur pattern and it could be used for identification
Newborn Pandas enter the world completely pink and covered by fine white hairs. After two weeks their eye are still closed and dark spots appear where their eye-patches and ears exist. These dark patches seem to protect their delicate eyes from this day forward. As light would surely affect them while their eyes were still closed. Must be Natures way . I always felt there is a great designer to life-rather you call it God or Nature. It seems it gave life forms what it needed to survive.
The same reason raccoons do.
coz they respectfully disagreed w/the republicans..
too many fights

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