Monday, August 16, 2010

Should there be a law that regulated news media so that there was an equal balance of good news and

The bias towards bad news is overwhelming - almost depressing. I say that for death we should see a happy pair of mating pandas. For every armed robbery I want to see some OAP marry an 18 year old leggy blond. For every crass and stupid law passed in Parliament, I want to see some school kids making an idiot out of their headmaster for charity. It's all about balance. Well, isn't it?

Should there be a law that regulated news media so that there was an equal balance of good news and bad news?matchless

Cant we have at least 20% ironic news ?

Should there be a law that regulated news media so that there was an equal balance of good news and bad news?norton 2008

Can't control what happens every day, there may not be any good news some days. Also most of the important things that happen in the world are bad. When there is nothing interesting in the news then you know that its a good period because no one is doing anything bad.
I've always said that they need to balance it out. I love D/FW Fox 4 news (texas), they are so much fun and even though they shed alot of bad news they do a great job in telling good news and funny stories. So i don't watch or listen to any other news station.

The funniest thing i just saw was that a bunch of kids tee-peed they're entire school 2 days before it starts, thought that was hilarious.

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