Monday, August 16, 2010

Why does the area around my eyes not get tanned after suntanning?

After suntanning or spending a day at the beach my face do get tanned except for the areas around my eyes. I do not wear sunglasses. And its like I have panda eyes, its like 2 white spots around my eyes in the middle of my tanned face. Some girls think I look cute like this. But I think it looks ugly. Why won't that area get tanned!!!

Why does the area around my eyes not get tanned after suntanning?free spyware remobal

from squinting.

Why does the area around my eyes not get tanned after suntanning?kawasaki

because it is allergic to the sun's rays!!! LOL!!
Some people just can't tan in certain spots. I would say go to a tanning place and close your eyes with no eye shades and they will get tan after awhile. Or put some sun tan lotion around them but make sure you dont get it in ur eyes! lol , i know this one girl that has the same problem... but she just deals with it.
Try talking to a skin doctor. If there is no possible way, try putting on a self-tanner lotion.

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